
Mindent a Them zenekarról / All about Them (band)

Them - Belfast Gypsies

Them - Belfast Gypsies

Balról / From left:
Jackie McAuley, Mark Scott, Ken McLeod, Pat McAuley 

Gloria's Dream
(K. McLeod, M. Scott, J. McAuley, P. McAuley, R. Henderson, K. Fowley)

The Crazy World Inside Me
(McAuley, McLeod)

Midnight Train
(Népdal / Traditional)

Aria Of The Fallen Angels
(K. McLeod, M. Scott, J. McAuley, P. McAuley)

It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
(Bob Dylan)

People, Let's Freak Out
(K. McLeod, M. Scott, J. McAuley, P. McAuley)

Boom Boom
(John Lee Hooker)

The Last Will And Testament
(K. McLeod, M. Scott, J. McAuley, P. McAuley)

Portland Town
(Daryl Adams)

Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness)

Suicide Song
(K. McLeod, M. Scott, J. McAuley, P. McAuley)

Secret Police
(K. Fowley, Hardesty, Walther)

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 5
Tegnapi: 126
Heti: 261
Havi: 1 181
Össz.: 87 998

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Oldal: Them - Belfast Gypsies
Them - © 2008 - 2024 -

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